Identity Studio LLC is an online platform that connects designers from all across the globe with clientele in the Pacific Northwest. This project ended up taking over 400 days to complete. Due to how lengthy this project was, I will be limiting the explanations to visuals.
[Identity Studio Business License + Event Banner]
Role: I played a role in virtually all aspects of the company’s activities, whether it was in marketing, distribution, legality, product design, and management.
Business Plan: Below is a business plan that I drafted at the beginning of my endeavor (please keep in mind though that this was created by a teenager, so it’s not professional at the least.) This can be viewed here.
Chapter 1: Laying The Foundation
Structure: The Company was broken down into two separate operations, but functioned under the same umbrella. The studio offered a wide range of services, from Web design to professional logos, and adverts for print. While the shop ranged in goods from accessories to apparel, and or premade design templates.

[SWOT Analysis.]

[Organizational Flow-Charts.]

[Balance Sheet.]
Chapter 2: Branding, Defining A Logo
[The Intro Theme Was Created In Collaboration With Award Winning Designer Vladimir Tomin, And Award Winning Musician Vitaliy Zavadsky.]

[Identity Studio Initial Logo Drafts.]

[Business Card Layout Design With Selected Logo.]

[The Front Of The Cards Were Printed In UV Ink, So Depending On How The Light Reflected Off The Surface, The Branding Would Become Visible.]
Chapter 3: Character Design Evolution

[Collaboration with Christopher Bang.]
Initially we started off our campaign with the above character design. However, as time progressed we realized that the particular style wasn’t in-line with our interests. This being the case I reached out to one of my close friends, and together we created the character you see below.
[Award Winning Collaboration with Neil Hanvey, view the case study here on Behance.]
Chapter 4: Product Design

[Sticker + Poster Designs.]

[Apparel Designs.]
Chapter 5: Final Presentation

[Close Up Merchandise Shots.]

[Model Shot # 1.]

[Model Shot # 2.]
Final Chapter: What I Learned
Let me start off by saying that starting a business is no simple task. It’s painstakingly stressful, and tons of work. In a small start-up environment you have to be willing to fit in anybody’s shoes.
There are two major takeaways from this venture. The first was that perfect is the enemy of good. In a business environment, pumping out the product is infinitely better than getting it perfect before launch. Simply put, nothing is ever perfect in life, so don’t dwell on it, move and respond to feedback actively! Secondly, I would like to say that teamwork is everything; don’t try to shoulder the entire burden by yourself, you will fail. Instead distribute that weight equally amongst your team members, that’s what they are for!

[400 Days Compilation.]